A lot of people love to talk about compassion and peace regarding home, foreign and domestic affairs. But did not have the compassion and peace in mind, then how will the true compassion and peace be formed?


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"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." The Buddha. "..Religion without Science is Blind, Science without religion is crippled." Albert Einstein 1879-1955

Tuesday 12 May 2009

The Protective T'ruel

The tradition of making Ruel was first known to be practiced some 300 years ago in Tibet and is uniquely in the Gulugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism. The rituals of making the Ruel are performed by generations of Abbots of the Drepung Loseling Monastery with many of its Rinpoches, Geshies, and holy Lamas.

Ruel are specially made by the holy monks as a protective amulets. The Tibetans believed that the Ruel projects a very powerful protective aura to dissolve any misfortune, black arts and to deflect evil spirits. The Ruel is usually worn as an amulet for personal protection and it can be kept at home to guard against robbery and ensure safety of the family. Kept in the office, the Ruel can minimize obstacles and protects against unnecessary misunderstanding and friction with colleagues and superiors. It has the ability to enhance one’s lucks and good fortunes! It is believed by the Tibetans that the Ruel is extremely auspicious and precious because it is very troublesome and hard to make as materials used are extremely holy, rare (hard to find or get), precious and need a lot of time to made. That is why Ruel is very scare and hard to come by. It is common practice in Tibet to present such precious Ruel to the Buddha and the deities as an ultimate offerings to show their sincerity.

The Ruel is made with various precious stones and metals in their most natural form. It also contains religious Relics from generations of holy Lamas, holy mandalas and mantras scripts. Ancient Tibetan rituals are performed for a very long period of time to render the Ruel its powerful protective energy.

If you do happen to find Ruel, it may be your only lifetime to get one as it is rare and uncommon to see outside Tibet or only in some major Tibetan Temples.

Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya

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Due to this merits,
May I soon,
Attain the enlightened state of Guru Buddha,
That I may be able to librate all sentient beings from their suffering.

May the precious bodhi mind, Not yet been born in me, will arise and grow.
May the birth have no decline, and will increase forever more.

Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya