A lot of people love to talk about compassion and peace regarding home, foreign and domestic affairs. But did not have the compassion and peace in mind, then how will the true compassion and peace be formed?


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"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." The Buddha. "..Religion without Science is Blind, Science without religion is crippled." Albert Einstein 1879-1955

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Seed Tree

Do you know what a seed is? No you don't really know. It is a complete unit of consciousness, ready to express itself in a tree. Thus the tree with its flowers and fruits is the manifestation of the seed-consciousness. It is complete in itself. So it is for the Truth of Being.

You may give the seed to anyone and expect he/she to satisfy his/her hunger but that is not going to happen. Instead, put the seed into a good soil, regularly provide water and nutrients to it to become a tree, that one day will have fruits to satisfy one's hunger.

So, be a tree and give right away your juicy fruits. A tree also provides protection to other beings, keep them healthy and heal them, when needed. A tree educates others beings by being a tree.

So, be a tree and give all you can give unconditionally, endlessly rather than give the seed, as it will die but a tree never die. Did you know about it? Yes! This is natural when the tree lives according to the Universal laws of Existence. The tree is healthy and heal, is protected and protects, all its needs are provided and provides all needs for other beings, grows and makes to grow other beings, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

This is the tree of the Truth of Existence with its fruits and seeds. Do you know how a seed becomes a tree and gives fruits and seeds? No, you don't really know until you are a tree. So don't give the seed to people, be the seed-tree and give fruits, that have seeds and satisfy their hunger.

From now on you will not judge a tree as "of the inferior realms of Nature" and you will not do it for any other creature in any form of existence.

Be a tree forever! Always give away and give back, simply like a tree :-) 
Don't you know how? Then hug a tree and humbly ask to It to be a tree :-D 
The tree is complete in itself but isolated, wait in for the right conditions to fully be a tree, like your Soul is waiting for you to Be.

By Phra Archan David Sarato

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Due to this merits,
May I soon,
Attain the enlightened state of Guru Buddha,
That I may be able to librate all sentient beings from their suffering.

May the precious bodhi mind, Not yet been born in me, will arise and grow.
May the birth have no decline, and will increase forever more.

Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya