This blog is setup as a virtual place where we encourage people all around the world to come together here to learn, to understand and to practice the way of life through the teaching of Buddha. Not just for the sake of one's happiness but also for all suffering beings, to be able to break free from the endless cycles of suffering.
A lot of people love to talk about compassion and peace regarding home, foreign and domestic affairs. But did not have the compassion and peace in mind, then how will the true compassion and peace be formed?
About me
- Kruba Zhihai (智海)
- Singapore
- "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." The Buddha. "..Religion without Science is Blind, Science without religion is crippled." Albert Einstein 1879-1955
Monday, 29 July 2013
Monday, 15 July 2013
The Odaimoku 御题目
The form of worship instituted by Nichiren Daishonin is the repetitive recitation of the Scripture's Scared Title or the Odaimoku :"Namu Myoho Renge Kyo," that is the "Adoration to the Scripture of the Lotus of the Perfect Truth."
His profound understanding of theology casused him to see the need for a simplified practice of affirming our affinity to Budhha and his true teachings. The answer he asserts is found uttering the Odaimoku. According to Nichiren Daishonin, the Odaimoku is not mere representation of Budhha's Truths. Rather it is the embodiment of the Buddha's Truths when the formula is uttered with a firm belief of the truths contained in the Lotus Sutra and full acceptance of Buddha as the Saviour.
日莲大圣人创立的供佛形式是不断重复地唱诵 <妙法莲华经>。也称之为御题目 <南无妙法莲华经>,意思是"对 <法华经> 的经文根本真理的归依"。
日莲大圣人对佛学的深奥理解使他意识到,通过一种表明我们信奉佛陀与其教义的简化修行方式的须要。他所主张的简化的修行方式就是反复唱诵御题目。根据日莲大圣人,御题目不仅是代表佛陀的真教义,而当人们心中坚信 <法华经> 所揭示的真理,并接受佛陀为救世主时,他们此时所唱诵的御题目"南无妙法莲华经"便成为佛陀真理的化身了。
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya
Reference Nichiren Shu 日莲宗
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Special Thanks to Master Ma
Buddhist Study,
Buddhist Teaching,
Words of Wisdom
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Words of Wisdom 21
Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom 20
Anxiety is living in the future.
Depression was living in the past.
But in present we have the choice to live in peace and joy,
Or chaos and suffering.
Dedicate to all being who are currently suffering from Depression, Anxiety, Etc.
Words of Wisdom
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Due to this merits,
May I soon,
Attain the enlightened state of Guru Buddha,
That I may be able to librate all sentient beings from their suffering.
May the precious bodhi mind, Not yet been born in me, will arise and grow.
May the birth have no decline, and will increase forever more.
Namu Myo Ho Renge Kyo
Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya